Community Engagement
By Kelli Karrikarringka Owen
This artwork is a visual representation of the journey that Community Engagement has taken across the many diverse Nations and landscapes of Australia throughout the last few years of NIKTT work. It captures the essence of meetings with First Nations patients, families, and health professionals, spread across vast spaces that the Country, skies, and waterways of our people cover. The meeting places depicted in the artwork, along with the tracks, mountains, stars, and sky, reflect the incredible distances between communities and transplant units, symbolising not only the vastness of this land but also the complex nature of getting from Community to hospital. Throughout these meetings, space was held to listen to the powerful stories of bravery and courage from kidney warriors and their families. We honour their journeys and express our deepest gratitude for the wisdom and strength they shared with us.

By Isaac Brown
The COMPASS project works with patient navigators, researchers, and clinical staff to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with kidney disease all over Australia. We help connect kidney consumers with our Patient Navigators at our four sites in Darwin, Alice Springs, Port Augusta, and Adelaide.
COMPASS – Connecting Our Mob: Patient navigators As Sustainable Supports – was chosen as a name and a logo to highlight the navigation and guidance this project makes available to people living with kidney disease. This navigation is illustrated through the compass motif in the logo and typeface. Within the compass, the four kidneys – each representing our Patient Navigators, Coordinators, and consumers at the four project sites – are matched loosely to the four points of a compass and represent the linkage of COMPASS sites along the backbone of Australia from Adelaide to Darwin. The colours chosen for each kidney correspond to the unique colours of the land and seas at each site: The tropical blue colours of Darwin (North) and the Saltwater people, the deep ochres of Alice Springs (East), the purples and pinks of the Port Augusta salt flats (West), and the green and blues of the Adelaide Plains (South). The logo was designed collaboratively by the COMPASS project team in Adelaide and illustrated by Isaac Brown.