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Cultural Bias

The NIKTT commissioned the Lowitja Institute and the University of Adelaide to deliver a scoping review which addressed the following questions:

  • What health service cultural bias interventions currently exist in health care settings?

  • What is the effectiveness of these interventions in relation to outcomes, including but not limited to wait listing for kidney transplantation?

  • What do patient, carer/support person and provider experiences of these interventions reveal about the acceptability of existing interventions, as well as barriers and facilitators of implementation?


The review drew upon Australian and international approaches to describe where cultural bias fits in relation to other cultural and bias models from an Indigenous perspective.

The report found that there was limited evidence within renal settings of evaluated cultural bias interventions. Based on the available published and grey literature, as well as community consultation, the Report identified 14 individual recommendations to address cultural bias. The NIKTT has prioritised 5 of these recommendations for immediate implementation, including:

(1) establishing Indigenous Reference Groups in all renal settings;

(2) increasing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce in renal settings;

(3) funding sustainable kidney patient navigator or peer support roles;

(4) creating and evaluating renal-specific ongoing cultural safety training for all staff in transplant units and other kidney health settings; and

(5) designing and implementing tailored models of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kidney patients seeking transplantation.


Read the NIKTT's response


Read the policy brief


Read the full report

The National Indigenous Kidney Transplantation Taskforce is funded by the Commonwealth, represented by the Department of Health, in contract with the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), housed within Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA). The NIKTT's main operations take place on Kaurna Country. 

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