Gathering Program, 2022
Day One: Monday 5 December, 2022
Time | Session | Topic | Speaker |
09:00 | Registration | Registration, name tag, program details | All |
09:30 | Welcome | Welcome to Country | Ngangki Warra |
09:50 | Welcome | Welcome and Moment of Silence | Kelli Owen |
09:55 | Welcome | Introductions | All |
10:15 | Welcome | Expectations and Housekeeping | Kim O'Donnell |
10:30 | NIKTT Overview | Introduction to Findings and What We Want to Achieve | Jaqui Hughes |
10:40 | NIKTT Overview | Community Engagement and Cultural Bias Report | Kelli Owen |
10:50 | NIKTT Overview | Data Collection and Stakeholder Engagement | Stephen McDonald |
11:00 | Morning Tea | Tea, coffee, and light snacks provided in the cafe | All |
11:30 | Conversations with Consumers | Pre-Transplantation: Gaps, Enablers, Solutions | Consumers and Carers |
12:00 | Conversations with Consumers | Work-up: Gaps, Enablers, Solutions | Consumers and Carers |
12:30 | Conversations with Consumers | Waiting List: Gaps, Enablers, Solutions | Consumers and Carers |
13:00 | Conversations with Consumers | Transplantation: Gaps, Enablers, Solutions | Consumers and Carers |
13:30 | Lunch | Sit-down lunch provided at cafe | All |
14:15 | Conversations with Consumers | Post-Transplantation: Gaps, Enablers, Solutions | Consumers and Carers |
14:45 | Conversations with Consumers | Healthy Lives: Long-Term and Today | Consumers and Carers |
15:15 | Consumers & the NIKTT | Creating an IRG | Breanna Solomon |
15:30 | Special Topics | Influencing and Changing Policy | Lucinda Barry |
15:45 | Wrap Up & Afternoon Tea | Tea, coffee, and light snacks provided in the cafe | All |
18:30 | Dinner | Sit-down dinner provided at SAHMRI | All |
Day Two: Tuesday 6 December, 2022
Time | Session | Topic | Speaker |
09:30 | Welcome | Recap of Yesterday and Overview of Day Two | Kim O'Donnell |
09:45 | Special Topics | Overview of KRS and transplantation | KAMS/KRS |
10:00 | Equity and Access | Workforce Needs and Barriers | Kerry Dole |
10:15 | Equity and Access | Patient Navigators | Rhanee Lester |
10:30 | Equity and Access | Outreach Assessment Clinics | Khalil Patankar |
10:45 | Equity and Access | Outreach Education | Gary Torrens |
11:00 | Morning Tea | Tea, coffee, and light snacks provided at the cafe | All |
11:30 | Going forwards | Paediatric Transplantation | Swasti Chaturvedi |
11:45 | Going Forwards | Funded projects and the need for a National Body | Kelli Owen |
12:00 | Going Forwards | What else is going on? What's missing? | Stephen McDonald |
12:15 | Going Forwards | NIKTT's current outputs, overall priorities, and next steps | Jaqui Hughes |
12:30 | Parked Discussions | Coming back to discuss parked items | Kim O'Donnell, All |
13:30 | Lunch | Sit-down lunch provided at the cafe | All |
14:30 | Planning Together | NIKTT priorities and next steps - feedback and discussion | All |
15:30 | Planning Together | Group consensus on priorities and next steps | All |
16:00 | Wrap Up | Final wrap-up, overview, and thanks | NIKTT Ops |
National Indigenous Dialysis and Transplantation Conference, October 2019
The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand, represented by the National Indigenous Kidney Transplantation Taskforce, hosted the National Indigenous Dialysis & Transplantation Conference from 20-22 October 2019.
The meeting focused on dialysis and transplantation issues that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, capturing the end-stage kidney disease journey from the commencement of renal replacement therapy through to the management of post-transplant care. The Conference explored these issues through a multidisciplinary lens, with a diverse cohort of speakers representing a range of sectors including nephrology, nursing, primary care, allied health, policy, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kidney community. View the program here.
Watch presentations from the conference by clicking on the pictures below.